Department of Periodontics

Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology of A.M.E.S Dental college provides the exclusive diagnosis of the patients Periodontal problem , plan and perform appropriate Periodontal treatment. In department we perform various surgical procedures ranging from conventional treatment such as scaling and root planning to more advanced surgical procedures using lasers, placement of Dental Implants, Full mouth rehabilitation using implants, minor oral surgical procedures such as frenectomy, operculectomy, splinting, excisions of polyp, crown lengthening etc are carried out at very affordable price .

Flap surgeries with regenerative techniques using bone graft, GTR,PRF etc are carried out. Various Periodontal plastic and esthetic surgeries are carried out such as depigmentation, Ridge augmentation, Root coverage procedures, various surgeries referred from other department Such as PAOO technique,endo perio lesion treatment,Prostho –Perio are carried out. Our department has conducted PG convention ,conference, CDE PROGRAMMES ,Hands on workshop, first aid training programmes, Implant training modules to provide continous learning platform for students and updating them regarding the recent concepts .

Dept has conducted various screening camps in and across city to create awareness of oral health among people. Dept promotes research among staff, PG and UG students. Our UG and PG students have won various prizes at state and national level conferences , 2 students have secured university rank in final examination.Main motto of the Department “ learn well ,do well , to thrive well .Master yourself to flourish in this competitive world.

Staff Details

S.No Staff Details Designation
1 Dr. Shivanand Aspalli Professor and HOD
2 Dr. Nagappa G Professor
3 Dr. Anupama Desai Professor
4 Dr. Rajesh H Professor
5 Dr. Muktha Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Priya Toshniwal Assistant Professor
7 Dr. Jabeen Assistant Professor