Department Of Oral Pathology

Oral Pathology & Microbiology is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the understanding of normal histology and anatomy of oral and para oral structures. It also emphasizes the identification of diseases affecting head and neck regions using histopathological & laboratory techniques. It also convey knowledge & skills on Forensic Odontology. The Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology to serve undergraduate students & patients.
It is not only in accordance of all DCI requirements, but has additional facilities too. We have 2 dedicated and well trained staff who are involved in teaching, patient care & research work & also have numerous publications to their credit The Department was established in the year 1994

Scope of the Department

  • Teeth anatomy, histology and its identifications.
  • Various pathologies in head and neck region.
  • Issuing biopsy and cytology reports.
  • Conducting various heamatology, urine, serology and biochemical laboratory tests.

Facilities Provided In The Department

  1. The Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology  provides  various facilities hematology lab, histopathology lab, clinics, research microscope room, department library & seminar room, museum, practical halls for students & rooms for faculty .
  2. In Hematology Lab, we carry out  all routine blood & urine investigations, few serological & biochemical investigations to aid patient management.
  3. The Histopathological Services offer diagnoses of pathologic conditions by cytologic smears, decalcification techniques & biopsy tissue evaluation & reporting.
  4. The Clinical Area facilitates examination of the patients by undergraduates & faculty.
  5. The Department Library & Seminar Room is well stocked with books & specialty journals & supported with audio-visual aids.

Staff Details

Slno Staff Details Designation
1 Dr.Prahalad hunsigi HOD and Professor
2 Dr Pradeep M R Reader