Community Dentistry


The Department of Public Health Dentistry at AME’s Dental College and Hospital aims to extend the basic oral health care services to the people in and around Raichur. Department caters the oral health needs using state-of-the-art mobile dental unit and portable dental equipments. Patients are offered emergency, first aid and basic oral health services at camps while referring patients requiring specialty services to AME’s dental college and hospital for further management. Department offers comprehensive oral health care services and aims to excel in areas of teaching and research. Department is committed to create awareness among the general population about the most common causes of oral diseases and simple self care practices to prevent them. Besides, the department organizes health awareness campaigns such as World Health Day, World No Tobacco day, World Environment day, World AIDS day, National tooth brushing day, National Public Health Dentistry day where the students and faculty actively participate in motivating the general public to adopt healthy life style practice.



We offer clinical training and demonstration for third and fourth BDS students. These students are trained thoroughly in the diagnosis and treatment of most common oral diseases using chair side discussions and demonstrations. The Internship program involves posting in Satellite Clinic, Rural health training center,PHC besides their participation in camps and extension activities. Interns are motivated to organize school dental programs and camps.The strength of department is our outreach programs using mobile dental unit. We organize camps for differently abled children in collaboration Sakashatkara Vikalachetana Kyamaburudi Society with special needs.


: Every year final year students visits Water purification Plant at Shakti Nagar,milk dairy at Yegnur,and PHC at Ammerked layout, Raichur.

Staff Details

S.No Staff Details Designation
1 Dr.Nagaratna Bagewadi Reader & HOD
2 Dr.Aruna Kumari.H Assistant Professor